Monday, November 7, 2011

BHW Posts that gets me Banned
Re: CNN News - Thieves turn in guy they robbed.

Originally Posted by LBrown View Post
Johnny, I was with you until this part...

Otherwise, interesting discussion all around.

How many video cameras will surveil you today? Have you ever considered what it is going to take to get rid of them? It's just a matter of time before your government has them installed in your bedroom and bathroom. Ever read the stories about universities being able to turn on your laptop's camera? Ever read about how the government can turn on your cell phone's mic? Is there anywhere in your universe where they CAN'T see you, and listen to every word you say?

How soon is it before they start installing their surveillance equipment directly to your body? A GPS tracking device, worn as a piercing. We can never be "too safe", you know. And there is no sacrifice too great in order to maintain safety and public order. You aren't some kind of terrorist are you? Maybe a child porn apologist? Let's take a look at your file....

At what point do you say "No."? And, should that day ever arrive, what would you then DO? Vote? Hoards of drooling retards demand their government protect them from whatever threat might scare them, and the minute you advocate for anything different, then YOU become the threat.

Armed revolution? They have tanks, jet aircraft, video surveillance, massive data bases and access to the records of every penny you've ever earned, and every word you've ever spoken out loud or published online.

What weapons will you use? A steak knife? Or do you think that the merits of your peaceful arguments in favor of political change will win the day. Highly doubtful, particularly when both your government and the BBC start broadcasting to all the world about your terroristic tendancies and your sympathies towards those that would abuse children. You should be ashamed of yourself, and crawl back inside your hole. There's work to be done, and taxes to be paid. Somewhere, some child is suffering for lack of a government program, and you are here shirking your social responsibilities, having pointless conversations with international subversives and possible terrorists.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Google: The Movie

Ever notice there isn't a movie about Google?  I think China changed Google more than Google changed China.

Ever consider how much power Google has?

"Don't be evil."  Lol.  They set such a low standard.  I can think of all sorts of mischief I could do that would still fail to fit the definition of "evil".

How about instead of striving to avoid becoming evil, how about instead you stop being such a pain in the ass, calling me on my cell phone all the time.

"This is a call from Google Research.  If you would like to waste time talking to one of our employees about shit you:
1)  Don't give a fuck about.
2)  Don't have the time to waste on.
3)  Are in Google's financial interests and not yours.
4)  Have the conversation based on Google's convenience and not your own.
5)  Spend the rest of the day wondering why & how fucking Google has your cell phone number.
6)  Realizing the futility of extracting any kind of satisfaction from Google, you spend the rest of the day daydreaming about an armed vigilante breaking into the Official Google Telemarketing and Re-education Call Center and spattering multicolored Google brains all over the Google cubicles.
7)  Wonder if anyone else has had the same fantasy.
8)  Wonder if anyone (crazier than you are) might actually DO it, and
9)  How good it would feel waking up some morning to the breatheless CNN and ABC reporters extolling the horrors of the "Great Google Massacre" where 97 Tele-education Associates and Partners were ruthlessly butchered by some nut in a Guy Fawkes mask (cut to a shot of the burning structure, which had been set on fire as the final "coup de gras".

Mmm!  Gonna be a good day today.  I think I'll have some more coffee.

So, toeing the line between free and creative speech and the unspoken and sincerely felt desire that someone actually do something like this and teach these corporations, er I mean our Government some respect for the voters, er I mean consumers, I immediately go to the "parallel universe" option, with the "I'm a creative writer doing some rough ideas for a possible fiction novel or screenplay for a movie." as my ace-in-the-hole in case Homeland Security gives me an opportunity to explain myself before they drop me into the deepest, darkest hole they have.

(Janet Napolitano's vagina)

Sometimes I post shit like that just to see if anyone is paying attention.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Introducing Meztiso on Tech Support Forum

TechSupportForum Politics Section

07-24-2006 to 10-08-2006  (2 months & 14 days)
341 Posts

So at some point during the 1001 Arabian bans, it occurred to me that my political vitriol might survive longer on a forum populated by tubby leftists (that need a federal program to help them urinate), if the person that had all of my opinions were a member of one of the left's "protected classes".  My "Mestizo" character represented the significant percentage of the Americans with Mexican heritage that believe that if people (mostly Mexicans) enter this country illegally, they they should be made to leave and go back.  Mr. Meztiso didn't last long, I think because he was a typical macho Mexican and he offended the TSF Staff's delicate and leaning on the fence that divides gays from straights.  You could just tell when Meztiso got done posting his right-wing rhetoric, he and his Sancha got piss-drunk on Tequila and started having sex on the couch in the living room.

But they wake up on the kitchen floor and can't remember how they got there, nor can they remember what happened after El Chorizo came out to play.  After that it goes dark for the both of them.

Somehow, urban-dwelling, tubby-something bureaucrats are more offended by grubby people partying, getting drunk, waking up the next morning and not looking for some kind of Federally program dispensing hangover relief.  They just take 3 aspirin, 2 more shots of tequila, climb into the beat-up pick-up truck and off the go to work.  Another Tuesday morning in the Barrio.

So they canned him, not for his political views, but because, like all good Mexican Americans, he was trying to help someone that had a problem, and if that solution meant that you bent the law a little bit, well they were friends and that's the kind of things friends do for each other.  He gave advice on the best way to do peer-to-peer filesharing to another User, which is a no-no on this lilly white hat forum, with white lace curtains and a white picket fences and matching white appliances surrounded by the white-painted walls of the kitchen.  They are so white.  And while they were glad to have a virtual brown skinned member on their forum, helping them to celebrate diversity, they couldn't accept Mestizo's cultural heritage which requires one to support the little guy as much as possible, even if it means breaking some minor rules or even laws.

So, TSF isn't racist, they discriminate on basis of culture.  Which means they may as well have a sign out from that says "No Meskins".

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Tea Party, & Me

Everything I ever learned about working on computers I learned at  Make no mistake, I love that place and those people.  Which is weird because they've banned me, under various aliases, no less than 30 times.  I know this for a fact, because I just spent the better part of the day running down all the various gmail accounts I've created specifically for the purpose of getting around the 30 or so bans they've given me over the last 5 years.

It's a love/hate relationship.  I love them, they hate me.

During the course of my time at, I've been (what they call) a "MS Tech" at least twice, so it's not like I'm some kind of rabid troll that serves no purpose while raising hell on a forum.  I help people fix their computers in the computer fixin' part of the forum, and I speak my mind in their "Politics" section.  That's why they ban me, for the most part.  Retired government employees generally don't like to be called "fat and bloated parasites" to their face and on their own turf, which is why I was there, and telling it to them like it is.

I intend to repost some of the more notable essays from that site here, as time allows and my abilities using this blog software develop.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hostgator Review, pt. 2

I don't have time to respond to the corporate drivel, other than to mention that for all the "hard work" you've failed to provide a new customer with basic information in a place where they could find it at a time when they needed it.

Now it's too little, too late. You should know this. It's obvious. The fact that you've missed it indicates to me you are using the occasion of your failure to provide me with required information as an opportunity to create some illusion of Customer Service.

It's an illusion. The time for "all that" was yesterday.

Finally, do not call me. You aren't my friend. I never gave you permission to call me. Do you have any idea how offensive that is? You are supposed to be my web-hosting service. You do a basic job, you get paid a basic amount of money. Failing to perform your basic functions does not somehow empower you to become an even greater inconvenience to me by wasting my time on the phone. The phone is an income-generator for me, not a time-waster. I don't waste time on the phone with time-wasters. This whole "service" is an extremely minor, $8.00 a month service. I pay more than that to the garbage company, and they don't call me. They don't have to. Do your job, and don't presume to call me.

After 16 Hours of Hostgator "Service": A Review

1) I'm locked-out of most of the forum sections here. I have questions that need answered, Hostgator has already shown me that they fail to provide basic information (how to chage the DNS server to Hostgator), now they actively prevent me from posting in this forum. I've been on LOTS of forums, and almost none of them have this "activation" thing. And, I believe there is either no reason for it (implying incompetence), or Hostgator is, what? Doing some kind of "background check"? Reviewing their records, lol? I have a question about using Bing's WebMaster tools. I can't download that .XML file. Hostgator's forum is not an option. I guess I have no choice but to post my questions somewhere else, and I'll make a point of badmouthing Hostgator while I'm at it.

Can I have my money back?

2) Hostgator failed to inform me that cPanel does not work with Windows 7. It's not like they just invented Windows 7; it's been around for a while. I read the lame excuse posted somewhere blaming "not Hostgator", and so what? Hostgator could have let me know that right up front but they didn't. Instead, I wasted a full hour of my time so that I could read their lame excuse.

3) I did not appreciate "Attracta's" email spam. I didn't give permission to Hostgator to have Attracta spam me. It costs money to spam me. It takes time to read the spam, and then delete it, then find out how to prevent it in the future. Hostgator owes me money for this now. I expect $50.00 to compensate me for the loss of time and inconvenience.

4) Attracta's "SEO" is deceptive bordering on fraud. The first two steps of SEO look benign, but step #3 looks like they are getting you to give them a bunch of personal information not for SEO purposes, but so that Attracta can use that information to market products & services to you, and possibly sell the information to someone else for the same purposes.

Overall, Hostgator feels quite slimy. Sleazy marketing practices, hiding and failing to provide critical information, setting up "services" that aren't really available, but only look like they are.

What's next? An apology, lol? Where someone attempts at ameliorating and unacceptable business situation by making some sort of false emotional appeal, lol? Tell the electric company "I'm sorry" doesn't keep the lights on, and I'm not paying for apologies. I thought I was paying for service, and an apology is not an acceptable substitute so don't bother.

I'll be posting this on my blog, in case anyone is tempted to delete the post and hide the evidence.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs and the iMac G5

I have an iMac G5 in for repair. What a piece of shit! From the research that I've done, the whole G5 series had heat issues to the point that they made 3 separate revisions. They are all called "G5", but internally they are all very different.

Apparantly, some company "stole" the recipe for good-quality capacitors and sold them cheap to Apple, but when they stole the recipe they failed to get the secret ingredient "X" that makes the capacitors work without leaking, bulging and blowing-up.

So, 2 years later, all the G5's in addition to all the pre-engineered heat issues, these G5's also start failing due to leaking, bulging and exploding capacitors. And, despite all this bullshit about "Apple Quality" etc... Apple not only fails to issue a recall, they offer some half-assed, limited-repair option so that if your G5 manages to work for 3 years, you are outside the window of what Apple will repair.

This G5 (this one, right here) is a piece of shit. So, against all the backdrop of all these post-mortem, electronic blow-jobs, let me be someone that tells the truth. Apple is just as capable of producing a piece of shit as any other company. The only difference is that Apple Users are too fucking retarded to know it. I've met some of these overly-contented Apple/Mac Users, and one reason why they are so happy is that they are too stupid to know any better. "It just works", my ass. It works just good enough to keep the retards happy. Anyone with half a brain can see that, at least in this case, this thing is a piece of shit.

So. Enough with the "Steve Jobs is a God" sycophancy. He's dead, Jim. He tried to cure pancreatic cancer with herbal remedies, the dumbass, and now he's dead. Most people won't be able to lean anything from Steve Job's business career, because they aren't going to run a major corporation like Apple. However, most people CAN learn from his stupid attempt at prolonging his life by using non-western, non-traditional and non-proven methods.

And that's not genius, that's stupid. And this G5 isn't "art", it's a overheating, blown-capacitor, sub-standard peice of shit made by a company whose reputation is as undeserved as it's founder's.

Here's a better idea, Mr. Jobs. Instead of using stolen, 3rd world, sub-standard capacitors that you get for cheap, how about using good-quality hardware instead. And, instead of consulting with some touchie-feelie, swami-fucking-guru "medicine man", how about instead (in your next life) you go to a real doctor, and get some real medical treatment instead.

You might live longer, and your hardware might not fail in 3 years.