Thursday, November 3, 2011

Introducing Meztiso on Tech Support Forum

TechSupportForum Politics Section

07-24-2006 to 10-08-2006  (2 months & 14 days)
341 Posts

So at some point during the 1001 Arabian bans, it occurred to me that my political vitriol might survive longer on a forum populated by tubby leftists (that need a federal program to help them urinate), if the person that had all of my opinions were a member of one of the left's "protected classes".  My "Mestizo" character represented the significant percentage of the Americans with Mexican heritage that believe that if people (mostly Mexicans) enter this country illegally, they they should be made to leave and go back.  Mr. Meztiso didn't last long, I think because he was a typical macho Mexican and he offended the TSF Staff's delicate and leaning on the fence that divides gays from straights.  You could just tell when Meztiso got done posting his right-wing rhetoric, he and his Sancha got piss-drunk on Tequila and started having sex on the couch in the living room.

But they wake up on the kitchen floor and can't remember how they got there, nor can they remember what happened after El Chorizo came out to play.  After that it goes dark for the both of them.

Somehow, urban-dwelling, tubby-something bureaucrats are more offended by grubby people partying, getting drunk, waking up the next morning and not looking for some kind of Federally program dispensing hangover relief.  They just take 3 aspirin, 2 more shots of tequila, climb into the beat-up pick-up truck and off the go to work.  Another Tuesday morning in the Barrio.

So they canned him, not for his political views, but because, like all good Mexican Americans, he was trying to help someone that had a problem, and if that solution meant that you bent the law a little bit, well they were friends and that's the kind of things friends do for each other.  He gave advice on the best way to do peer-to-peer filesharing to another User, which is a no-no on this lilly white hat forum, with white lace curtains and a white picket fences and matching white appliances surrounded by the white-painted walls of the kitchen.  They are so white.  And while they were glad to have a virtual brown skinned member on their forum, helping them to celebrate diversity, they couldn't accept Mestizo's cultural heritage which requires one to support the little guy as much as possible, even if it means breaking some minor rules or even laws.

So, TSF isn't racist, they discriminate on basis of culture.  Which means they may as well have a sign out from that says "No Meskins".

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