Tuesday, October 18, 2011

After 16 Hours of Hostgator "Service": A Review

1) I'm locked-out of most of the forum sections here. I have questions that need answered, Hostgator has already shown me that they fail to provide basic information (how to chage the DNS server to Hostgator), now they actively prevent me from posting in this forum. I've been on LOTS of forums, and almost none of them have this "activation" thing. And, I believe there is either no reason for it (implying incompetence), or Hostgator is, what? Doing some kind of "background check"? Reviewing their records, lol? I have a question about using Bing's WebMaster tools. I can't download that .XML file. Hostgator's forum is not an option. I guess I have no choice but to post my questions somewhere else, and I'll make a point of badmouthing Hostgator while I'm at it.

Can I have my money back?

2) Hostgator failed to inform me that cPanel does not work with Windows 7. It's not like they just invented Windows 7; it's been around for a while. I read the lame excuse posted somewhere blaming "not Hostgator", and so what? Hostgator could have let me know that right up front but they didn't. Instead, I wasted a full hour of my time so that I could read their lame excuse.

3) I did not appreciate "Attracta's" email spam. I didn't give permission to Hostgator to have Attracta spam me. It costs money to spam me. It takes time to read the spam, and then delete it, then find out how to prevent it in the future. Hostgator owes me money for this now. I expect $50.00 to compensate me for the loss of time and inconvenience.

4) Attracta's "SEO" is deceptive bordering on fraud. The first two steps of SEO look benign, but step #3 looks like they are getting you to give them a bunch of personal information not for SEO purposes, but so that Attracta can use that information to market products & services to you, and possibly sell the information to someone else for the same purposes.

Overall, Hostgator feels quite slimy. Sleazy marketing practices, hiding and failing to provide critical information, setting up "services" that aren't really available, but only look like they are.

What's next? An apology, lol? Where someone attempts at ameliorating and unacceptable business situation by making some sort of false emotional appeal, lol? Tell the electric company "I'm sorry" doesn't keep the lights on, and I'm not paying for apologies. I thought I was paying for service, and an apology is not an acceptable substitute so don't bother.

I'll be posting this on my blog, in case anyone is tempted to delete the post and hide the evidence.


  1. 1. Most of the forum sections require activation to keep spammers out. It really is that simple.

    2. cPanel works just fine with Windows 7. I'm running Win7/64 on a desktop, and Win7/32 "Starter" on a little netbook. No problems with either one.

    3 & 4. No one forced you to sign up for Attracta. But yeah, it's crap.

    You seem to enjoy high dudgeon. You must be a joy to work with.

  2. 1. So it's okay to forum spam SOME sections, but not others? See how stupid you are?

    2. I had problems with cPanel, and gave-up trying to set-up an FTP connection after reading a part where Hostgator specifically states that it doesn't work with Win7. Also, the glaring absence of Win7 as an option for one of the "Microsoft" Operating Systems (WinXP and Vista are offered, Win7 is not) also indicates Win7 is not fully-compatible with Hostgator. Again, see how stupid you are? Oh, and Hostgator gives some explanation, blaming someone other than Hostgator. Which is not really my objection. My objection is that Hostgator failed to tell me this in advance, so I spent about an hour trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.

    3 & 4. Never said I was "forced", nor did I volunteer for Attracta. I find simple-minded people like yourself frequently support their arguments by describing how something is not as bad as they can imagine it, and so it must therefore be good. You have asserted the absence of force in the relationship, and only you and a few retards like yourself can then come to a belief that it must have been (somehow) voluntary on my part. It wasn't. Hostgator used the occasion of being my web-hosting service in order to allow another business to spam me (and everyone else). Despite the fact that you agree "it sucks", you still feel compelled to, what, defend them? Or make comments about me? To what effect? Hostgator provides a quality service to their customers because I am somehow deficient in some way?

    And yet, I can't believe you are getting paid for this, so you must be doing it for free. You have nothing better to do with your time? Are you retired? A drug-addict on SSI? A government employee fucking-off at work? Or just some random retard that showed-up here at my blog.

    Feel free to come back, retard. Part of what I do is entertain the general public by illustrating exactly who and what the retards are, in order to make several arguments, which are, roughly, off the top of my head:

    1) It's time to stop funding them.
    2) They do what we say, as they are dependent upon us, the Producers.
    3) We do not do what they say, well because they are retarded, duh.
    4) The fact that they can string a few words together into a grammatically correct sentence does not prove they are not retarded, as your "work" here clearly illustrates.
    5) It's time to redefine the word "retarded"; broaden it's scope, so that instead of being limited to only those few drooling examples of intellectual inactivity, it also includes retards of the non-drooling variety, such as yourself.

    Also, I'm self-employed. I have a short tolerance for douchebags and retards. It's better this way. I can tell the truth in general, and I can also tell the truth directly (to retards like you) without having to worry about any finacial consequences.

    Removing the chains of enslavement to the retarded is a good first step towards freedom, and financial security.

  3. Geez, what an asshole.

    Bet you delete this comment.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. And now we get the rest of the story. You never made a single call to the tech support folks, never started a single Live Chat session, never put in a support ticket. And when someone from Hostgator tried to reach out and give you some assistance, you gave him a raft of shit for having the effrontery to try to call you.

    I was wrong. You're not an asshole. You're a flaming asshole.
