Monday, November 7, 2011

BHW Posts that gets me Banned
Re: CNN News - Thieves turn in guy they robbed.

Originally Posted by LBrown View Post
Johnny, I was with you until this part...

Otherwise, interesting discussion all around.

How many video cameras will surveil you today? Have you ever considered what it is going to take to get rid of them? It's just a matter of time before your government has them installed in your bedroom and bathroom. Ever read the stories about universities being able to turn on your laptop's camera? Ever read about how the government can turn on your cell phone's mic? Is there anywhere in your universe where they CAN'T see you, and listen to every word you say?

How soon is it before they start installing their surveillance equipment directly to your body? A GPS tracking device, worn as a piercing. We can never be "too safe", you know. And there is no sacrifice too great in order to maintain safety and public order. You aren't some kind of terrorist are you? Maybe a child porn apologist? Let's take a look at your file....

At what point do you say "No."? And, should that day ever arrive, what would you then DO? Vote? Hoards of drooling retards demand their government protect them from whatever threat might scare them, and the minute you advocate for anything different, then YOU become the threat.

Armed revolution? They have tanks, jet aircraft, video surveillance, massive data bases and access to the records of every penny you've ever earned, and every word you've ever spoken out loud or published online.

What weapons will you use? A steak knife? Or do you think that the merits of your peaceful arguments in favor of political change will win the day. Highly doubtful, particularly when both your government and the BBC start broadcasting to all the world about your terroristic tendancies and your sympathies towards those that would abuse children. You should be ashamed of yourself, and crawl back inside your hole. There's work to be done, and taxes to be paid. Somewhere, some child is suffering for lack of a government program, and you are here shirking your social responsibilities, having pointless conversations with international subversives and possible terrorists.

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